I grew up with deceased parents. Okay, let me tell you a little bit of that story. My Mom died when I was 2yrs old. (Breast cancer). My Father re-married,10yrs after he also died(lung cancer/colon cancer) I was 12yrs old back then so I am not really sure what was his illness. There was no 'clear explaination' from my step-mom, they said Doctor's couldn't really tell. I just learnt it myself not too long ago that his illness was probably a colon cancer based of his physical appearance(his belly grew big, and he was pale and thin as stick). So, that left us(other,5 sibling) parentless. I am sad to tell that we are not too close to each other, (my sibling). I only have one particular brother who is so close to me and he is my greatest hero. He is so amazing in everything in life. He sacrifices his own self needs to send his sibling to school, provide food. He works every low paying jobs just to get us food. He works a 14-16hrs security guards shifts...