

    So,aside from writing here on my blog, i love reading also,because i don't just get entertain of the newest words i learnt from the book that I am reading but also makes your mind as sharp as a needle.(grin) well truth is that when you are reading it makes you smarter,because after you graduated school,it doesn't mean that your learning stop there as well.You still need to exercise your brain for your daily lives for a new learning and it will go on forever,in that matter you can use the words you learnt from the book and use it to interact to people and experiment with your sentence out of it, which is cool.
     Trust me, reading books is fun and very helpful in learning new things. So, i will tell you a short story, when I met my husband, he was so impressed of my English considering that I grew up in the Philippines to where English is generally our second language. I told him that, i learnt it from College and more practice and reading included of course, he smiled and said even my spelling are great. I answered, i might suck on grammar writing but not on spelling. I don't mind my friends correcting my grammar, because it will be a new challenge and learning to me, and learning is just what I need(smiles). 
    Therefore lately this book is my new purchased and so far it is really good, the story is fun, and the actions are remarkable, you know that feeling when you are reading and then your brain works of imagining the things you are reading? Well,maybe only reader nerds can understand what I am talking about. I have a wide imagination, and its fun. I recommend you get your own copy, for Philippines consumers you can purchase this directly to the Author of the book who is based in Cebu Philippines,and who also happened to be my former college instructor. Here is his email address dachanchronicles@gmail.com

For your information about the book, you can actually purchase this online as well thru www.amazon.com, just search for D.A Chan author, and or the name of the book itself. 


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